Premiere Pro Cont

You need to finish your Competition movie then submit it for grading to Student4teacher\Platt\Grade 10\!competition_april14

Next – learn the different shot types 

Now look at a Jump Cut

Now look at Reverse Cut

In pairs try out some of these shots with the cameras

Extension – try out the Star Trek transporter effect

BBC Digital Voice Awards

We are going to make media which if good enough will be entered for the BBC Voice awards.

A short piece to camera 1-2 minutes in length
Accompanying rich media either audio, photo slideshow or video feature
Plus 300-500 words

on ONE of the following topics
Is life becoming too dangerous?
Ideas that will change the world.

Judging Criteria
How well thought out is the content?
How well was the theme of the topic communicated?
Is the content and delivery engaging?
How ell would the rich media segment stand up to repeated listening or viewing?