PSP Test

Grade 9 Test 1 Paint Shop Pro (30 marks)

You are going to make an advertisement
for 3DTV from TWO pictures

Download 2 images 3DTV_monster and 3DTV_people from the blog or Teachers4Student\Mr Platt\zz_gd9_PSP_exam
Open the MONSTER image in Paint Shop Pro
SAVE as PSPimage (NOT jpg)
Call it 3Dtest_myname

(5) Make the image Canvas larger (not less than 450×350) – if you can’t remember how to do this go to the PSPBook page 36
Make sure the same BLUE background is kept
Open the PEOPLE image in Paint Shop Pro
Use a selection tool to select the TWO PEOPLE
Paste as NEW IMAGE and clean edges and other areas.

(10) Select and paste into the MONSTER picture as a new LAYER
Make sure the edges are as clean as possible

(5) Change the Colour Balance of the MONSTER so it looks completely different (PSPBook page 25)

(5) Put a new layer in for text and add YOUR OWN catchy SLOGAN (e.g 3D TV Bites Back)

(5) Take the cars out of the original picture and put them somewhere in the final picture
COPY and PASTE your PSP image (NOT jpg) into Students4Teacher\S:\R. Platt\tech92\zzz_PSP_3D_test

Posted in G9

Graphics revision

5 minutes
Look over the Revision Sheet
20 minutes
Go to Teachers4student\!gcse_companion\index.htm –  and open the GCSE companion.
Select Contents – Graphics
Fill in the paper Worksheet you will be given by looking up the answers in the graphics section
10 minutes
We will go over the worksheet and mark it.

Paint Shop Pro skills
Fading to background

When you have finished
Continue with your Powerpoint – development of animation – make sure you have covered the main points from all three films.

Feathering a selection

Revise for the Technology Exam next week (using your revision sheet)

Posted in G9

Finishing Investigation

1) Performance criteria – what makes a good hoax picture? – let’s put the criteria into a grid. (This completes the investigation.)

2) PSP Skills – do the No Boundaries tutorial from

3) DESIGN – Work on your 3 hoax ideas – describe them in detail in your report.


In WORD  – in YOUR OWN WORDS (and with pictures) write about your life with ROBOTS (MUST BE REAL LIFE – NOT MADE UP) as:

Either a bomb disposal officer

OR a surgeon

OR a member of the NASA Mars Explorer team


Bomb Disposal Robots (search words)

Robot clears radioactive source

Pictures of military robots

Medical Robots  (general)

Robot surgery

Explorer Robots  (Mars Sojourner) (Mars Rover)

Robots General


Watch this movie which shows you how to make a blockpusher – stop and start it while you follow the instructions and make your own.

Zook Report

Your zook report needs to have (and will be marked on):

  1. Pictures of the insect/animal your zook is based on.
  2. screenshots of the zook you have made
  3. The settings (variables) for one of the legs
  4. The settings (variables) for the main body
  5. A description of how you made the zook
  6. How close is the zook to your original idea
  7. Hypothesis (idea) for making you zook move faster (you should have at least THREE of these)
  8. Results of your changes – did your hypothesis work?

You will be marked on the IMPROVEMENTS made to your zook – so even if it is a slow zook, if you improve the speed/movement by a good factor you can still get maximum marks.

Computer Modelling

Look at these website for traffic modelling on computer:

Also these short movies for visualising traffic

Here is a list of computer simulations from wikipedia

Homework – Find one of the simulations which interests you and play around with the different variables

Bamzooki Modelling

Download this modelling worksheet and complete

Find THREE things which are modelled by computer – put them at the end of your worksheet.

Now work on your sprinter zook – look at some of the website sprinters to give you ideas