Hoax Picture Project

helicopter shark hoax

helicopter shark hoax

This is a classic internet hoax picture

Your job is to make one like this – but a bit more believable. You can put an Pod onto the Queen  – or a watch onto the Mona Lisa – or make Obama meet Osama. It has to be able to fool 6 out of 10 people when you come to run your actual hoax test.

First thing to do is in Word:

Write your Investigation –

Say that you will make 3 Hoax pictures

You will make sure they are detectable as hoaxes but believable

You will choose the best one you have made

You will put it together with 4 other internet hoax pictures you have found and 5 other TRUE pictures you have found.

You will run your test either live in Powerpoint or on the web using Proprofs.

You will attempt to fool 6 out of 10 people that your fake picture is real.

Is this Real or Hoax?

shark hoax

shark hoax

Now FIND 3 Hoax pictures of your own

Put them into your investigation with refererences to where you got them from (in MLA format)

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