Design phase for Hoax Picture Project

Is this a real picture?

Is this a real picture?

For your Hoax picture project you need:

ONE well known painting

ONE well known photograph

ONE free choice

In your report make a title ‘DESIGN’

Go to Teacher4Student and get the THREE designs you did on paper.

Copy and Paste them into your report

Describe each one with a DETAILED paragraph saying exactly what the hoax is and HOW you are going to make it

PSP Skill

Open Paint Shop Pro

Open the PSP Video Book

Do pages 15/16/17 (Make sure you listen to each movie and DO what Alexei does – you should watch a little then stop the movie then do what he says.)

DON’T FORGET to save your slope.jpg as a PSPIMAGE

Extension – go to – Make the No Boundaries lizard with a picture of your own so that it sticks out of a postcard.


Look at these websites and choose a well known PAINTING or PHOTOGRAPH for ONE of your hoaxes.