Early Animation

Make a Powerpoint on computer animation (called ‘The Development of Animation’) in your own words – by watching the video and using the following facts from it to help you google more information.

1900 James Stuart Blackton – Vitograph
1906 Humorous Faces

Emile Cohl Fantasmagorie (700 drawings on Rice Paper)
The Man in the Moon

Winsor McCay 3D Persective
The Story of a Mosquito
Gertie the Dinosaur

John Randolph Bray – Zinc etching on tracing paper
Invented the Cell system of animation
1914 – Training films for the army
Bray and Sam Goldwyn joined forces
1920 Thomas the Cat (First colour cartoon)

Carry on making your own animation for a younger student.


Watch this modern animation from aniboom – write some notes on whether you like it or not and why.


Write a review of your favourite Animated movie. Why do you like it?