Flash – preparing images

aeroplane with white background

aeroplane with white background

Jpeg images have a white backgound.
We need to get rid of this so we can use them in Flash
Gif is the file format which allows TRANSPARENT BACKGROUNDS

Download the aeroplane jpeg here
Put it in your Flash folder
Now open the image in FIREWORKS
Click the drop down and save it as a GIF file called ‘aeroplane.gif’
Use the eraser tool to take away the background (HINT – make the eraser smaller when you get to the black lines of the drawing)
When you are finished click on FILE – IMAGE PREVIEW
Make sure the FORMAT (on left) is GIF
Click EXPORT and SAVE as a gif image (Your rubbing out should now be transparent on the actual image)

Now import into Flash and make a simple flying animation.

IN PAIRS – download this picture of a person on a bike
Make the background transparent
Design on paper a NEW animation using the Car, the aeroplane and the bicycle.
Make it in Flash
Don’t forget to put each image on a different layer (including the background)